We are excited to announce the Elmhurst Wellness Team’s Second Annual Homeless Student Drive!!
Currently, in Elmhurst, there are 34 students in K-12 who qualify as homeless. Unfortunately, more will likely be added during the winter.
Homeless is defined as a family who has lost housing and is not residing in a stable environment. Stable is defined as not being 1. fixed, 2. adequate, or 3. regular.
In general, “fixed” is not living in a car. “Adequate” means having safe and proper utilities. “Regular” means not staying as guests or “doubled up.”
If missing one of the three, the student qualifies as homeless. It’s very common for families to be evicted and then staying as guests and “doubling up.”
You can help these children in a few ways…
- Gift Cards. You can make a donation in the form of gift cards to stores such as Jewel, Target, Walmart or VISA gift cards. Any amount can be added to a card.
- Specific Gifting. This year we are also adding a Sign-Up Genius for specific requests from the children. In this way you can add your name to make a specific purchase for a child. Needs will continue to be populated in the Sign-Up Genius throughout this Drive. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050F45ABAC23AAF49-district
- Basic Winter Needs. Scarves, hats and gloves along with toiletries (toothbrushes, toothpaste, pads, etc.) are being collected. Any and all contributions may be brought to Hand and Stone Massage Spa on York St, Fleet Feet on Palmer, or the Tree of Life on Spring St.
- Monetary donations under $500.00 can be made via checks made out to Elmhurst School District 205 and placed in an account allocated for the homeless students.
The collection runs through December 13th.
We know Elmhurst is filled with big hearts and extreme generosity. We look forward to doubling our efforts from last year and will keep you posted on our progress week to week as well as additional ways to give.
Every Friday between now and December 13th a collection of the gifts will be given directly to District 205 for distribution weekly.