We are eager to announce the Elmhurst Wellness Team’s FOURTH Annual District 205 Homeless Student Drive. While we wish we never needed to host this, we are happy that we have a supportive community to help.
Currently in Elmhurst, there are 52 students in K-12 who qualify as homeless. Unfortunately, more students will likely be added throughout the winter.
Homeless is defined as a family who has lost housing and is not residing in a stable environment, meaning it is not 1. fixed, 2. adequate or 3. regular.
In general, “fixed” is not living in a car. “Adequate” means having safe and proper utilities. “Regular” means not staying as guests or “doubled up.” If missing one of the three criteria, the student qualifies as homeless.
A very common situation is that a family has been evicted from their home and is now staying as a guest and is “doubling up.” This means a larger number of people are under one roof.
The Elmhurst Wellness Team is once again inviting the community to support. When asked directly what was most needed, the families requested gift cards to stores for food and toiletries. Because of the success of our Drive last year, we are once again asking donations be made through gift cards.
SignUp Genius is being used to track the donations and make sure each student receives. Last year Elmhurst contributed a record $13,188.
We are seeking to increase our collection from last year and raise $14,000 in the next three weeks from our community. If you would like to give, please sign up directly here:
All gift cards may be dropped off at the storefront of Hand and Stone Massage and Facial Spa on York St., The Tree of Life on Spring St. or Blossom Wellness Centre in the center of town.
If you wish to send gift cards or make a check directly to District 205, please make a check out to Elmhurst School District 205 and specify “Homeless Students” in the memo section. Please send to:
District 205 Administration
C/O Micki Dobrowski
162 S. York St.
Elmhurst 60126
The collection runs through Friday, December 10th.
Thank you in advance for your big hearts and generosity. We will report our community progress week to week and include additional ways to give.
~Team EWT